Donna Hammond to be Honored at LERC Black History Month Event

Donna Hammond (Photo from Portland Tribune)
The University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center (LERC) is holding a special Black History Month Event!
Pioneering a Living Legacy:
Shaping Our Vision for Diversity and Inclusion in the Labor Movement
February 8, 2018
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
UO Portland
White Stag Building Room 142/144
70 NW Couch Street
Portland OR 97209
Click here to save your seat for this free event!
LERC will be honoring Donna Hammond for her continued efforts to make the trades a safer place for women, people of color, and other minorities. There will be a special viewing of the film “Sista in the Brotherhood” by Dawn Jones Redstone followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Roberta Hunt of Portland State University and honoree, Donna Hammond, Business Representative for IBEW 48.
Donna began her career in the trades 39 years ago as an apprentice electrician and became Oregon’s 2nd ever black woman to journey out as an electrician. During her time in the trades, Donna faced discrimination and harassment from her coworkers and even supervisors. As a result of her experiences during those 20 years where she was a union electrician, Donna took it upon herself to blaze a trail for marginalized people so that they could pursue a career in the skilled trades without fear of harassment.
Hammond joined the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) as their first black female Business Representative and negotiates contracts and inspects job sites among other things. Outside of her work there, she has been a member of the Electrical Workers Minority Caucus for the past 22 years and has spent the past 3 years with the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. Not only that, but Donna Hammond played a key role in the development of our Pathways to Success program here at Oregon Tradeswomen.
We have immense respect for Donna and the impact she has made. Thank you for your continued work making the trades a safe place for women and diverse workers!

Isis Harris (front) and Donna Hammond (back) on National Women in Apprenticeship Day
Donna, I am so proud to read about your accomplishments in the Trades in Oregon.
I am always proud when you share photos of events you are involved in over the years.
Proud of you for all the work you have done over these years. Proud of you standing strong as a Hammond a great family name.
Congratulations for this recognition to add to you so many accomplishments. You are truly a trailblazer.
Love you Cousin
Janice Blackmon
Kansas City, Kansas