Public Works Inspector

October 17, 2022
Portland, OR
Job Type


Job Summary:

Work on City of Portland Infrastructure Projects! Inspectors work within a project team to review engineering plans, specifications and contract documents related to underground stormwater/wastewater projects in the City of Portland. DRW LLC is a Certified Woman owned business. We are an EEO employer and over 60% of our Staff self identify as coming from underrepresented groups including the LGBTQ+ community. We are Anti-Racist. We value collaboration. We value being good business partners through thoughtful practices and providing a company culture that allows everyone to thrive.

Job Responsibilities:

Out of the trenches and into Inspecting! Construction Inspectors are responsible for on-site Inspections to ensure work plans and specs are followed according to City code.

Required Skills and Qualifications:

  • The ability to read and interpret Blue Prints and Contract Documents to Inspect underground utility installations of sewer/wastewater pipelines.
  • Be able to work independently but also be part of a project team.
  • Maintain construction records, document daily construction activities and write related reports.

Compensation: $34.00 per hour

How to Apply:

Send your resume to or Text me at 503-754-4303 to set up a time to talk. I am eager to hear from you.

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