Call to Action: Tell Congress You Support Funding WANTO

priscillasmiles.jpgThe Women in Apprenticeship and Non-Traditional Occupations (WANTO) Act is a small pool of money that organizations like Oregon Tradeswomen rely on to run pre-apprenticeship classes for women.  WANTO appropriations amounted to less than $2 million over the last two years, but the program’s impact on women’s economic security is colossal.  With the support of this crucial funding source, WANTO grantees (including Oregon Tradeswomen) have helped thousands of women access meaningful careers in male-dominated industries with quality, family-supporting wages.  Regions where WANTO-funded organizations work have more than twice the national average of women employed in construction trades.  WANTO works!

Oregon Tradeswomen needs your help:  The federal budget under currently under consideration by Congress provides zero dollars for WANTO.  But with your help, we can change that and get WANTO back in the budget.  We need your voice for our message to be heard in Congress.

The best way to support Oregon Tradeswomen’s efforts to keep WANTO alive is to contact your elected representatives and tell them how vital WANTO is to women in the trades.  We’ve made it easy – you can write to your representative with the simple template linked below.  (Make sure to read through and personalize your message.)  Support tradeswomen, support OTI, and support our sister organizations around the nation.  Tell Congress that programs that work should be expanded, not cut out of the budget.  Fund WANTO, WANTO works!

WANTO Support Letter Template


  1. Elizabeth Skidmore on August 31, 2015 at 5:07 am

    It is critical that WANTO is funded. It is the only federal funding dedicating to moving women into high-skill, high-pay construction careers. We are making process – this generation of tradeswomen are moving into more and more leadership positions in contractors, unions and enforcement agencies,and are using those positions to support getting more women into the trades. For example, for women who became heads of their JATC’s training programs moved their % of women into double digits. We can’t back off now. We must continue to fund WANTO!

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